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[udig-devel] can uDig access the wms_abstract attribute?

I'm using uDig 1.0.0 on Windows. I'm learning how to set up WMS servers, and use them in clients. I've set up a simple map file with a Mapserver 4.0 (yes, ancient) server, with two point layers. Each of the layers has a wms_abstract attribute in the LAYER > METADATA element. I can load and display the layers in uDig and ArcMap 9.0 without problems. ArcMap will show me the wms_abstract attribute, but I can't find a way to see it in uDig. Even the layer wms_title seems only partly available: it's used by default to assign the layer name, but I can't see it listed when I select the layer (under either Layers or Catalog) and go to Analysis > Information > Resource Summary.

Am I missing something? I'd like to use uDig as a client for thoroughly testing my WMS server implementation.

My WMS layers work fine in all other respects; they play nice with local shape files, display the symbology I intended, etc.


-Emilio Mayorga

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