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[udig-devel] Tao of Resource

The "Tao of Resource" eclipse ui guideline ( is almost applicable.

We have a similar wish - namely that a "Layer" look and act like a "Layer" irrespective of where it is found (either on a Map or in the results of a search, or on disk).

The document recommends:

he underlying resource for an object is exposed by implementing IAdaptable on the model object, and answering an IContributorResourceAdapter. For more information on the implementation of an IContributorResourceAdapter, refer to Eclipse Corner.

While the interfaces they talk about are from the Eclipse 2.1 time line, the idea is sound. We can use IAdaptable to recast whatever we got (say a IGeoResource) to look and feel like a Layer. Actually I may have that exactly wrong - perhaps Layer should adapt to IGeoResource? Darn many to one relationships.


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