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[udig-devel] Re: prompt a warn dialog : run UDIG in Eclispe 3.1M2

xiexz wrote:

>  hi Jody Garnett:
>         Thank your your kind help. Sorry. I make a mistaken that I also use the Eclipse3.1 M2.  I am in GMT+8 timezone . I dont' know the udig IRC chanel server and port.
>         Now I can compile sucessfully all udig source code ,and after I pressed the "validate plugin set" button the all plugins are right,  I run the udig in Eclipse .but another problem appeared.  it udig prompt a warn dialog: "Java Advanced Imaging is not installed.Map view...................." . but I did really install the jai-1_1_2-lib-windows-i586-jre.exe and jai_imageio-1_0_01-rc-lib-windows-i586-jre.exe. Do I need install some java ext libray. my JRE is jdk1.5.(jre-1_5_0-windows-i586.exe). and I can see the jai_core.jar file in jre\lib\exe directory.
>          I downloaded the udig windows installer(udig0.6.exe)which contain all libs. it can be runned normally itself. Then I modified my own eclipse3.0m2 jre to the installer package's jre subdirectory. I think the install packge jre should contain the JAI library. right? then I run the udig in Eclipse . but it still  prompt the warn dialog: "Java Advanced Imaging is not installed.Map view...................." .
I think we need to check your "Run" again ... step 1 made sure you set
the following:


This is needed or JAI will not befound by the plugin classloader(s).

Do you have this one? You may also want to confirm that your "Installed
JRE" is indeed pointing at the one from udig 0.6.
1) Window > Preferences > Intalled JREs
2) Select your JRE and press Edit
3) Ensure the following JAI jars are listed under Use default system

If they are not in the list then we need to find you a different JAI to
run against.

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