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[udig-devel] prompt a warn dialog : run UDIG in Eclispe 3.1M2

  hi Jody Garnett:
         Thank your your kind help. Sorry. I make a mistaken that I also use the Eclipse3.1 M2.  I am in GMT+8 timezone . I dont' know the udig IRC chanel server and port.
         Now I can compile sucessfully all udig source code ,and after I pressed the "validate plugin set" button the all plugins are right,  I run the udig in Eclipse .but another problem appeared.  it udig prompt a warn dialog: "Java Advanced Imaging is not installed.Map view...................." . but I did really install the jai-1_1_2-lib-windows-i586-jre.exe and jai_imageio-1_0_01-rc-lib-windows-i586-jre.exe. Do I need install some java ext libray. my JRE is jdk1.5.(jre-1_5_0-windows-i586.exe). and I can see the jai_core.jar file in jre\lib\exe directory.
          I downloaded the udig windows installer(udig0.6.exe)which contain all libs. it can be runned normally itself. Then I modified my own eclipse3.0m2 jre to the installer package's jre subdirectory. I think the install packge jre should contain the JAI library. right? then I run the udig in Eclipse . but it still  prompt the warn dialog: "Java Advanced Imaging is not installed.Map view...................." .
  Thanks again
  Best Regards
  calvin xie
  WebGIS Development Team
  ShenZhen Y&D  Electronics Co.,Ltd

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