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Re: [udig-devel] Re: [Geotools-devel] Development jar dependancies

David Zwiers wrote:

Hi James

I hadn't though of GT using the gt jars ... I'm using them for udig.
I'll think of a solution for both systems, although I think SNAPSHOT
jars should work well-enough. Another solution might be to keep the jar
names the same (easier when updating for udig) but changing the path ...
gt2/SNAPSHOT/2.1.x ... .jar. This way maven could not find the jars.
Darn you guys, you will eventually have other maven based projects wanting to use this repository :-P
I suppose we can fall off that bridge when we come to it.

I wish we had a date stamped format so projects like UDIG could depend on a snapshot from a specific date. I know it is an issue we always run into with GeoAPI. Especially when there is a geoapi snapshot for GeoAPI and a different one for Geotools, and now I guess one for UDIG.


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