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Re: [udig-devel] SWT, AWT and Mac OS X

Matt Revelle wrote:

Thought this Eclipse bug would be of interest to those involved in uDig:
I think that bug has been posted before, but it's seen recent activity.

Thanks for the heads up,

We do not plan to use swing (or even awt) directly so we hoped to be shielded from this.

Reading down the messages I learn that someone else is in a similar situtation.

Peter Severin:

I would like to add a comment. We are developing a plugin that uses Java2D to do
some image manipulation and rendering. Due to this bug (at least we belive so)
the plugin cannot be used under MacOS X even in a headless mode.

This tends to conflict with the knowledge that provides for the use of JAI - if worst comes to worse we can simply use holongate to render in an offscreen buffer, and copy the generated graphic over to an SWT Image (using holongate's native code). I am not sure what Peter Severin is doing to produce the problem he mentions above - my guess is trying to use an efficient PlanarImage class.

So we have a couple way to progress on this one:
- continue use of holongate native code (for admittedly slow rendering)
- wait until Paul gets a Mac - so he can run tests for us :-)

As long as we don't trigger the AWT event loop (ie use the AWT_SWT bridge, or use anything other than BufferedImages) we should be fine. Switching over to use the AWT_SWT bridge and trying for hardware accelarated renderering on a mac can be delt as part of optimization (ie. Milestone 3).


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