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Re: [Geotools-devel] Re: [udig-devel] GeoTools Build Report [ 2004/08/06 06:55 ]

Should be fixed now. My build script worked fine on the command line but failed in cron. Solution: add missing elements to PATH.

On Sunday, August 8, 2004, at 01:20 PM, David Zwiers wrote:


Main did not build, so many of the plugins will be missing.


On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 17:29, Sean Geoghegan wrote:
I noticed that oracle was missing from the list.  Is there a problem
with it that Im not aware of?


Jody Garnett wrote:

Hi Paul - that nightly build script of your is looking pretty good.

However - I need you to delete the .maven/repository/gt2 directory
from your home directory.
The run bellow tells me that main did not build (it only cleaned and
compiled). All the other modules were able to try
building anyways (against the last successful main build).

It may also be nice to send this email to the geotools list ... but I
suppose we can ask them first.


autorun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

GeoTools2 module build report 20040806
   gt2:main  cleaned, compiled
   gt2:utils  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0701
   gt2:rendering-styling  cleaned, compiled
   gt2:pickle  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0702
   gt2:sample-data  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0702
   gt2:mapinfo  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0702
   gt2:svgsupport  cleaned, compiled
   gt2:dir_ds  cleaned
   gt2:arcsde  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0702
   gt2:image  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0702
   gt2:mysql  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0703
   gt2:wms  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0703
   gt2:postgis  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0703
   gt2:geomedia  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0703
   gt2:tiger  cleaned
   gt2:vpf  cleaned, compiled
   gt2:gtopo30  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0704
   gt2:arcgrid  cleaned, compiled
   gt2:graph  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0705
   gt2:reprojection  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0705
   gt2:view  cleaned, compiled, tested, INSTALLED 0705

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     Paul Ramsey
     Refractions Research
     Email: pramsey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     Phone: (250) 885-0632

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