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Re: [udig-devel] uDig 0.1.0 released

David Zwiers said the following on 07/29/2004 09:30 AM:

Hi Matt,
There is no reason the uDIG plugins could not be installed on a MacOS
version of Eclipse's Rich Client Platform (RCP). We havce two linux
developers and two windows developer, so have not tested udig on Mac OS
X, so did not include a download. You should be able to copy the
net.refractions.udig.* plugins from the linux download into a copy of
the Mac OS X Eclipse RPC client (or alternatively replace the linux
eclipse plugins + startup.jar with the Mac versions).

I would recommend the second strategy. Download one of the udig releases and replace all the org.eclipse.* plugins with the instances from your Mac OS X eclipse framework. (Or try strategy 3, wait until tomorrow and I will post a (untested) Mac release). :)


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