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[udig-devel] Re: Package structure (and branding)

More on package names:


I'm not totally against org.geotools.whatever as long as the 'whatever' maintains its own identity strongly enough. And I suspect uDIG will!

That is part of the fun - we are trying to figure out our identity. Sun just complicates matters with the url based package convention.
We have the following available:
1)  org.jump.project.*   or   org.jumpproject.*  ?
2) net.refractions.udig.*

We may be able to obtain the following:
3)  net.udig.*

And matin may allow:
4) org.geotools.jump.*  or org.geotools.jump.* ?

From there I would like to transition to org.geotools.jump when we have a beta, with a go ahead from Martin. While we did look at net.refractions.udig I think it will be more important to have community involvement.

I agree with that... would net.udig be an option?

Paul is going to look into this one for us - annoything that we have to go obtain a domain name for code packaging.

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