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Re: [udig-devel] [Fwd: [Fwd: Re: [jump-devel] Creating a plugin]]

David Blasby wrote:

I've been sending messages to jody on stuff I've seen that might be related to uDig. I'll send them to this list.

For example, here's a jump plugin that doesnt load all your shapes (from shapefiles) into memory when it displays them. It might be good to look at the code or at least look at the performance so you can see how it works...

Hi Dave & All:

I started lurking on this list last week when you asked me too David. I have had some interesting IRC sesssion with Alvaro - he has popped up on gt2 as well.

One question though: Alvaro refers to "we" - does anyone have a link for his AGIL organization?


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