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Re: [tycho-user] Providing dependency for Imported-Pakages


The Tycho FAQ has many good suggestions.

You might find the

approach fits the bill.


Ed Willink

On 08/01/2021 12:20, arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi all,

I have a plugin with a set of Imported-Packages. The Tycho build fails as it can't find the packages in any repository. 

I understood that by using Imported-Packages I was expecting those packages to exist without needing to specify from where or how. But the only way I can seem to fix the build is to add a repository with thst contains a bundle with those packages. 

The packages belong to a proprietary jar that can't be bundled or deployed to a p2 repo. Is there any other way I can add the jar to Tycho's classpath so it will compile hapilly?


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