I really wonder why we need to do much more work to simple do what a tool could do for us fully automatically..
i really don't get this tools IDE,RAD or command line are for us to make stuff easier and do much stuff for us without us having todo all kinds of stuff
In your scenario i suddenly have to have 3 target files that all are kind of the same
1> main that really has all the external urls and plugin/feature versions
2> our developer local.target that developers use for there local target created from <1>, (because eclipse is just as horrible when it comes to network errors, suddenly it is possible you just can't do our job)
3> a own site that has 1 url with all features and plugins (Generated from <1>) that is then used in all the pom files. This one changes also per branch.
and i need that to make a special jenkins job that needs to be run at the moment the main <1> target file changes to generate and upload to the site
of course its all possible a lot more stuff then just <useCachedMetaData>true</useCachedMetaData>
in a few parent pom files..
but it could be just me