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Re: [tycho-user] shipping directly a jre with an eclipse product on OSX

On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 3:30 PM Johan Compagner <jcompagner@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
in eclipse it does find it (problem is that the target file i can't include them all then the target file editor complains that 2 of the 3 are not for my architecture, so that is a bit of a problem when adding all 3 of them to a feature or product file...)

Ok, I don't think I tried so far as referencing them all in the same product.
But the same issue apply to any platform-specific feature, bundle or p2 unit in general

but this in the product file:
<feature id="org.eclipse.epp.runtime.openj9.win32.x86_64.feature"/>
or this in the feature file:
<import feature="org.eclipse.epp.runtime.openj9.win32.x86_64.feature" version=""/>
doesn't seem to work for tycho to be able to find it..

I think we need a way to import those features in the product as optional. If the .product or feature.xml doesn't allow that, then you could try a p2.inf instead.

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