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Re: [tycho-user] archive-products goal removes executable bit

the zip format does not have official support for file permissions.
you will need to use tar instead.


On 21/08/16 09:45, "tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Axel Guckelsberger" <tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of info@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

    Hi again,
    just retested using the new 0.26.0 version. The problem still happens.
    Any idea what I can try?
    Am Montag, 15. August 2016, 14:11:29 CEST schrieb Axel Guckelsberger:
    > Hi all,
    > I've setup builds for two products which work like a charm.
    > One problem I've noticed though is that the executable bit is removed from
    > the launcher file when the product is packed into the zip archive using
    > tycho-p2-director:archive-products. The unpacked version placed within
    > /target/ has the executable flag set, but if I unzip the archive the
    > executable flag is gone.
    > I am using Tycho 0.25.0. The problem happens on my local machine as well as
    > on my Jenkins build server. Both are running Linux 64 bit.
    > Any idea how to fix this behaviour? I first thought that I should use tar.gz
    > instead of zip. But it used to work with zip files, too, when I used
    > Buckminster before.
    > Thanks for any pointers,
    > Axel

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