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Re: [tycho-user] Tycho Reactor + Maven Javadoc Aggregate

the documentation of this plugin says:

"The sources for creating the javadoc are generated automatically based on the dependency that this project has. As dependency you can specify any other maven project, for example the feature project that references you other bundles. Included features will be added to the list."

So it looks like you have to create a new bundle which has to reference all the other bundles / features which have the sources the javadoc should be generated for. Add the tycho-document-bundle as described in


On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Dietrich, Christian <christian.dietrich@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:



seems to be bundle specific (no aggregate) nor seems there to be an option to specify custom doclets

the only way to get it running is to call the goal explicitely from command line

mvn clean install javadoc:aggregate

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