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[tycho-user] Encountering "Setup diagnostics" on tycho plugin test shutdown

Platform: Win7
	  Java 1.7
          eclipse 4.2.2
          scala ide 3.0.1v-2_10-201307101641-eff8147

I have a set of maven projects created by tycho-eclipse-plugin-archetype

The .test project pops up an eclipse runtime to run the plugin tests.

Every time I run the .test project I encounter the Scala IDE "Setup
Diagnostics" dialog on the test project shutdown.  This dialog:
(and after closing that dialog I encounter a new dialog)

Has any other tycho-eclipse-plugin-archetype users seen something

Is there a way to lose the "Setup Diagnostics" dialog, and the next
dialog for the .test project?

Something in the eclipse run configuration, perhaps...? 

I have tried clicking "OK" and I have tried clicking "Cancel" and the
dialog show up on the next run in either case.

The eclipse plugin project I'm working on, doesn't use Scala.  The
reason I encounter the "Setup Diagnostics" dialog on the test project is
that it is installed in eclipse itself (I guess...?).


- Steinar

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