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Re: [tycho-user] Project generated from tycho-eclipse-plugin-archetype is missing JUnit

>>>>> Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Tycho projects do not use dependency information from pom.xml (at least
> not directly). Instead, dependencies are derived from OSGi/Eclipse
> project metadata, things like OSGi bundle manifest


I opened the MANIFEST.MF of the failing httpcomposer.test project, and
 - selected the "Dependencies" tab
 - selected the failing org.junit package
 - clicked on "Properties..."
 - Selected the 4.10.0 version of JUnit in "Available versions to match"
 - clicked on "Match", and the "Minimum Version" field was set to "4.10.0"
 - clicked on ok
 - saved the MANIFEST.MF, and the project changed from red to not-red
   (ie. the error went away)

> and Eclipse feature.xml. Inside Eclipse workspace Tycho projects
> dependency resolution is managed by PDE (not m2e) and dependencies are
> additionally constraint by PDE workspace target platform.

Right.  But when I ran archetype:create from the command line, it
probably picked the newest JUnit from .m2/repository, without any regard
for what's in the OSGi runtime...?

Anyway, now it builds (without the .project and .classpath files being
committed to git).

Thanks again!

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