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Re: [tycho-user] Building large projects

If you see a lot of time spent in resolving the target platform, you can set up some p2 mirrors on local filesystem and enable them for Tycho via settings.xml. See It would replace all remote access to Nexus proxy by a filesystem access, so it can save a lot of time.
For JBoss Tools, we also set up the concept of "unified" target platform which avoids referencing too many sites from the target platform. This unified target platform aggregate all the content of the various sites we need, and put them in a single location. Having a single location makes dependency resolution a bit faster.
Those possible improvements to target-platforms are explained here: .

But there may be some other time-consuming operations. You'll need to actually look at how build happens and find which operations that the most time to figure out what can be improved.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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