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Re: [tycho-user] Bundle-SymbolicName different to artifactId

The validate-id goal was originally added because feature root files didn’t work.

I don’t know of any known problems with bundles, but I just may not known them…





From: tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Martin Ellis
Sent: Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013 20:36
To: tycho-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [tycho-user] Bundle-SymbolicName different to artifactId




What are the consequences of having the Bundle-SymbolicName different to the artifactId?


I realise that no one is likely to provide support for using tycho in this manner, but I'm interested to know whether there are any known problems I might run in to?


The reason I ask is that I'm thinking of moving a bundle containing Eclipse plugin documentation from a maven-bundle-plugin build into the tycho build where it's consumed. I'm not certain yet whether this is a good idea in this particular case, so I'm reluctant to change the artifactId just yet.


Obviously, tycho will fail the build on the validate-id goal. But I'm thinking of disabling that goal for now... until I'm certain I want to leave it in the tycho build, when I'd be happy to change the artifactId.




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