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Re: [tycho-user] please test staged tycho 0.17.0

Hi Jan,

>> Alas, I encountered a second incompatibility:
>> Source feature generation now fails the build if it cannot find the
>> sources of all plugins.
> AFAIK this behaviour has always been this way.
> The point is probably that up to now you did not generate any source feature due to behaviour change "do not check for magic sourceTemplateFeature/ folder" [1]

Right, the org.eclipse.recommenders.feature.3rd.rcp.nonjuno feature in
question didn't have a sourceTemplateFeature folder, so Tycho didn't try
to generate a source feature previously.

>> Now, Orbit's does have a source
>> bundle
> <>,
>> but how to tell Tycho where to find it?
> known bug 
>> Setting appropriate excludes, the build proceeds further. However, for
>> some strange reason it cannot find the source of
>> org.eclipse.recommenders.tests, although that is build in the same
>> reactor (and before the feature in question).
>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-source-feature-plugin:0.17.0:source-feature (source-feature) on project org.eclipse.recommenders.feature.3rd.rcp.nonjuno: Could not generate source feature for project MavenProject: org.eclipse.recommenders.feature:org.eclipse.recommenders.feature.3rd.rcp.nonjuno:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT
>> [ERROR] Missing sources for plugins [org.eclipse.recommenders.tests_1.0.3.v20130318-1255-b000]
>> This at least looks like a "real" bug to me.
> some observations in [3] that may cause this:
> - you don't configure p2-metadata goal as documented [2]
> - you changed the lifecycle phase of plugin-source goal

Here's the output of help:effective-pom.

>         <plugin>
>           <groupId>org.eclipse.tycho.extras</groupId>
>           <artifactId>tycho-source-feature-plugin</artifactId>
>           <version>0.17.0</version>
>           <executions>
>             <execution>
>               <id>source-feature</id>
>               <goals>
>                 <goal>source-feature</goal>
>               </goals>
>               <configuration>
>                 <excludes>
>                   <plugin id="" />
>                   <plugin id="" />
>                   <plugin id="" />
>                   <plugin id="org.jboss.netty" />
>                   <plugin id="com.ning.async-http-client" />
>                   <feature id="org.eclipse.recommenders.feature.3rd.orbit" />
>                   <feature id="org.eclipse.recommenders.feature.3rd.rcp.nonorbit" />
>                 </excludes>
>               </configuration>
>             </execution>
>           </executions>
>         </plugin>
>         <plugin>
>           <groupId>org.eclipse.tycho</groupId>
>           <artifactId>tycho-p2-plugin</artifactId>
>           <version>0.17.0</version>
>           <executions>
>             <execution>
>               <id>default-p2-metadata-default</id>
>               <configuration>
>                 <attachP2Metadata>false</attachP2Metadata>
>               </configuration>
>             </execution>
>             <execution>
>               <id>attach-p2-metadata</id>
>               <phase>package</phase>
>               <goals>
>                 <goal>p2-metadata</goal>
>               </goals>
>             </execution>
>           </executions>
>         </plugin>

So, the only difference to the docs is the default-p2-metadata-default
execution, which I added to get rid of a warning. See
<> for my
initial mail about this to this list.

But even if I remove that, I get the same problem:

> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-source-feature-plugin:0.17.0:source-feature (source-feature) on project org.eclipse.recommenders.feature.3rd.rcp.nonjuno: Could not generate source feature for project MavenProject: org.eclipse.recommenders.feature:org.eclipse.recommenders.feature.3rd.rcp.nonjuno:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT
> [ERROR] Missing sources for plugins [org.eclipse.recommenders.tests_1.0.3.v20130319-1526-b000]

> if you can provide a small standalone example that reproduces the bug even though following docs [2], open an issue.

Will put that onto my TODO list. May take a while to boil that down,
though. (In the meantime, I could offer you a Gerrit commit that
illustrates the issue on our full project.)

Best wishes,

-- - the knowledge transfer company

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