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[tycho-user] Errors: Unable to satisfy dependency from toolinggtk.linux.ppcorg.eclipse.core.runtime

I'm almost at the finishing line, at least I think I am.
I'm migrating Eclipse RCP 3.2.2 (I know its old) using the
pde-maven-plugin build structure and attempting to get tycho working.
I've got the plugins and features building, now its just the eclipse-repository.

I've got the target-platform-configuration pointing at the GAV where
the *.target file resides.

I've got the mygroup:myapp-eclipse-target pom attaching the target file

Any I've got the rcp included in the target definition

<location includeAllPlatforms="true" includeMode="slicer"
includeSource="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="" version="3.7.2.M20120208-0800"/>
<repository location="https://nexus..../nexus/content/repositories/eclipse-indigo/"/>

And the error it is giving me looks like it is trying to resolve other
platform files.

Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to resolve target
definition D:\ide\mcp\mobile-computing-project\mcp-client-application\mcp-eclipse-target\
"Problems resolving provisioning plan.": [
"Unable to satisfy dependency from 3.7.2.M20120208-0800 to
toolinggtk.linux.ppcorg.eclipse.core.runtime [3.7.2.M20120208-0800].",
"Unable to satisfy dependency from 3.7.2.M20120208-0800 to
"Unable to satisfy dependency from 3.7.2.M20120208-0800 to
"Unable to satisfy dependency from 3.7.2.M20120208-0800 to
"Unable to satisfy dependency from 3.7.2.M20120208-0800 to
"Unable to satisfy dependency from 3.7.2.M20120208-0800 to
toolinggtk.linux.ppcorg.eclipse.equinox.ds [3.7.2.M20120208-0800]."]
-> [Help 1]

My build is feature based.
So I don't think I need to follow the advice at

I thought the os/ws/arch was restricting this to win32 so it shouldn't
be trying to get linux.ppc stuff.

Any help troubleshooting would be appreciated.

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