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Re: [tycho-user] testing compilation of a generated plugin project (with swtbot and tycho)
What workaround? Tycho behaves correctly. If some bundles in project test runtime, i.e. PDE in your case, require special configuration, it is up to the test to make this happen. This is no different from any other state or precondition required by the test.
Sent from my SGS
Lorenzo Bettini <lorenzo.bettini@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Thanks for the clarification Igor, but is there a workaround (apart the
>one implemented by Mickael)?
>thanks in advance
> Lorenzo
>On 03/12/2012 06:57 PM, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
>> Just to be clear, Tycho resolves correct&accurate target platform and
>> constructs corrects&accurate test runtime. The layout the test
>> constructed by Tycho, although "correct" from Equinox point of view,
>> incompatible with PDE and this is why tests are not able to resolve
>> test workspace target platform.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Igor
>> On 12-03-12 5:32 AM, Mickael Istria wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I had the same issue with GMF Tooling, it applies to any test or
>>> that generates bundles inside Eclipse.
>>> The default target platform in Eclipse looks for bundles in plugins/
>>> folder, which is not accurate with Tycho since the bundles are
>>> from Maven repository.
>>> See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=343152 and
>>> http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/tycho-user/msg00059.html and
>>> important, the issue in PDE:
>>> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=343156
>>> And a workaround here:
>>> HTH
>>> --
>>> Mickael Istria
>>> Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
>>> My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets
>>> <http://twitter.com/mickaelistria>
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>Lorenzo Bettini, PhD in Computer Science, DI, Univ. Torino
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