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Re: [tycho-user] please test staged tycho 0.14.0

OK, figured it out, and it was something dumb.  Now it works.

The project structure is like:

parent -> subproject -> plugin

I set up Tycho 0.14.0 in the parent, but the subprojects had their own
<build> sections that set the Tycho version 0.13.0.  Deleting those
sections so they inherited from the parent fixed the problem.  Strange
that this version mismatch resulted in not being able to resolve

One thing about 0.14.0 is that it seems to enforce that all version
numbers must have three parts.  For example, I've repackaged the
Prefuse library, which as a version number like "20071021" in the
MANIFEST.MF.  In 0.13.0, the generated pom file also said 20071021,
but that generated pom file now fails: 0.14.0 is looking for
"20071021.0.0".  I think there's a new maven goal to reset all pom
versions to match their manifest versions, but I don't know how to use
it.  Is it just "mvn tycho-versions-plugin:updatepom"?

Thanks for everything,

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