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[tycho-user] Unable to test Plugin using Custom Annotation Processor


I am trying to use "tycho-surefire-plugin" to test a plugin I have written. 

In a nutshell, the plugin takes the Xml output of an annotation processor and displays its content in the "Problems" view.

To test this, I need to make sure that the annotation processor is activated on the Projects created in the test. This is done with the following code:

IJavaProject javaProject = ....
org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.util.AptConfig.setEnabled(javaProject, true);

The problem is the following. When I launch the test I wrote through the Eclipse Launcher, everything works perfectly and the annotation processor generates the Xml file.

On the other, when I launch the test through the maven command line the Xml file is not generated and the annotation processor is never inoked. 

Do you have any ideas how I can proceed to solve this problem? Don't hesitate to ask me if I need to include more info.

Thanks a lot,

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