On 23/01/2012 14:57, Roger Studner wrote:
Does this mean I have to convert 20 jars to "plugins" and host them in parallel on my update site (so they can be in MANIFEST.MF)
That's a solution. Depending on your use-case, it can be good or
In general, with OSGi (independently of Tycho), either
1. your dependencies are other bundles/plugins, with their
MANIFEST.MF correctly set; or
2. they can be jars embedded into a bundle/plugin, with the
Bundle-Classpath pointing to the embedded jars in the MANIFEST.MF of
the host plugin.
Would love to SEE a real example of how any of you have solved this obvious/day 1 problem heh
If you want to get the latest version of your deps on every build,
you could use a corollary of 2.: put the jars in a plugin, setting
correctly the Bundle-Classpath, and at build-time retrieve your
dependencies using a maven-dependency-plugin:get and/or
maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies plugin in your pom.xml to
execute the fetch and copy of your deps into your host bundle.