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[tycho-user] Building a documentation index with Tycho

Hi everyone,

I'm new to Maven and Tycho. I would like to build the index for documentation using Tycho (for CDT). The steps for doing this with PDE build are described here:

Basically Eclipse's antRunner application needs to be used to execute a Ant task, build.index. Has anyone tried to achieve something similar with Tycho?

I attempted to wrap the execution of the application in a simple Ant task that would then execute antRunner but this doesn't work since the launcher can't find the dependencies. Instead, I created a Mojo that works similarly to the TestMojo in tycho-surefire-plugin. It creates an "Eclipse Installation" (including creating the config.ini) then executes antRunner successfully.

Is this the right approach? If so, would the Tycho project be interested in including this Mojo/plugin?



For reference, the bug I'm trying to fix:
and the Egit equivalent

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