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Re: [tools-pmc] Eclipse TOMLed status

Dear all, 
a termination review has been scheduled for the Eclipse TOMLed project.
We'll be using GitLab to track the termination:
Any comments and pushback are welcome.
Kind regards, 
Maria Teresa Delgado

On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 2:35 PM Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Maria Teresa,

It seems reasonable to me to initiate the termination review. With no commits in a long time, and important stuff like moving to the org.eclipse namespace it looks like this project is dead now. 

Jonah (as a member of the Tools PMC)
Jonah Graham (he/him)
Kichwa Coders

On Tue, 14 May 2024 at 15:19, Eclipse Management Office EMO via tools-pmc <tools-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Tools-PMC, TOMLed community, 
we are looking for an status update of the Eclipse TOMLed project.
As far as I can tell the project is not active and has never been, since its creation in 2023.
Any information you might have would be appreciated.
The EMO scheduled a progress review recently, and we've tried reaching out to the PLs directly, but the project team has not been responsive in any of these communications.
If we don't receive any feedback, we'll be scheduling a termination review for this project in the upcoming days.
Kind regards,
Maria Teresa Delgado
The Eclipse Management Organization | Eclipse Foundation

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