Hey gang,
There is a current request,
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=500768, which has the intention of bring the org.eclipse.remote target management system and the Terminal plug-ins together under a single project. The idea is to make Terminal the official terminal for o.e.remote
connections, and make o.e.remote the standard (but not only) connection technology for the Terminals.
My fear is that the originally proposed home in the TM project is about to collapse. As such, I’d like to bring them under the CDT umbrella. C/C++ developers these days deal mainly with remote systems, either embedded development boards
or big iron servers. Target Management has always been a desired feature of the CDT (we even had a proposal at one time to build such a system until DSDP came along and that’s a good story on its own). IMHO, it’s time to bring target management home and give
it and CDT some much needed energy.
My proposal as listed on the bug is to bring the two git repos and all related artifacts for these components under the ownership and responsibility of the CDT. We still need to reach agreement with the projects involved, but before I do
that, I’d like to see if anyone on the Tools PMC objects.