So this is the Chicken-and-egg problem that continues to plague us. We can't start anything until we know 'in detail' how it will work. And we likely won't know much in detail until we start.
These are arguably fine criteria for 'shipping' or 'declaring API' -- I say arguably because I think we could argue against these too -- but is it true that these criteria must be met before anybody begins working?
This is exactly my reasoning for an incubator. We could set these out as 'must dos' before the incubator is graduated, but let Alexander (and others) experiment in the meantime. David mentioned doing this in a branch, and I'm fine with that too -- although with the foundation's transition to git I think we should likely fork the code and use git instead.
All I'm looking for is a tool to let Alexander (and others) experiment with different ideas within the legal (and technical) boundaries of The messaging I would like to convey to our users is:
This is experimental work, and even if it does come to fruition, it likely won't happen for some time. Moreover, we are unlikely to stop shipping the 3.x version of GEF / Draw2d even after the 4.x stuff is generally available.
Maybe this sort of experimental development is not easily supported by the Eclipse Development Process and the git-hub mirrors are the recommended approach.