Jeff McAffer and Doug Schafer from the Tools PMC have approved the release. I think we're just waiting for Janet to give the ok.
Greg On Jan 15, 2007, at 9:54 AM, Anne Jacko wrote: Hi Greg,
The next available date is January 31 at 8am PT. Will that work for you?
For a Release Review, we need you slides (which you just sent), PMC approval (via e-mail), IP approval (via e-mail) from Eclipse Legal, and a copy of the IP Log (cvs file). IP approval can take some time, and we can't put you on the schedule without it. So as soon as you can communicate with Janet and start that process, the better. Janet's e-mail is janet.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxx.
The due date for all of this is one week before the review date, so it would be Wednesday, January 24. If it turns out that this date is too soon for you to get everything in order, then the next possibility would be Wednesday, February 14 (with a due date of Wednesday, February 7).
While I have your attention--did you send your request for what you need for your project move to the Eclipse webmasters? If so and they have taken care of it, we will go ahead and archive the technology.ptp project. If you haven't yet sent that request, please do so when you have a chance. At some point we need to archive the old project and shut down the technology.ptp artifacts (CVS, Bugzilla, newsgroup, mailing list, etc.). Thanks. Anne Jacko Development Process Operations Support
On Jan 15, 2007, at 8:40 AM, Greg Watson wrote: Anne,
I'd like to schedule a 1.1 release review for the PTP project. Slides attached.