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[tinydtls-dev] Not Just Cookies: Also dtls_ecdsa_generate_key()


The issue with dtls_prng() is indeed very serious, as the current implementation will generate very weak ECDSA keys. Effective Entropy of the ECDSA key is in the order of 32 bit keyspace, if I am not mistaken. The reason is simple: rand() has only 2^32 possible states and that translates into 2^32 possible key sequences from default dtls_prng(). The rand() state can be found simply by iterating the state space and checking against some known ECDSA key.


Oh, it is even worse, because only a subset of the dtls_prng() sequences are valid ECDSA keys…


So, if tinydtls is used in your project not just as a marketing tool, make sure dtls_prng() has a cryptographically strong implementation.


Please correct me if I am wrong, but that is how it looks like to me.


Kind regards


Frank Gerlach





dtls_ecdsa_generate_key(unsigned char *priv_key,

                                                unsigned char *pub_key_x,

                                                unsigned char *pub_key_y,

                                                size_t key_size) {

  uint32_t priv[8];

  uint32_t pub_x[8];

  uint32_t pub_y[8];


  do {

    dtls_prng((unsigned char *)priv, key_size);

  } while (!ecc_is_valid_key(priv));


  ecc_gen_pub_key(priv, pub_x, pub_y);


  dtls_ec_key_from_uint32(priv, key_size, priv_key);

  dtls_ec_key_from_uint32(pub_x, key_size, pub_key_x);

  dtls_ec_key_from_uint32(pub_y, key_size, pub_key_y);





Frank Gerlach

Senior Software Engineer


Office: +375 17 389 0100 x 23178   Cell: +375 29 877 4976    Email: frank_gerlach@xxxxxxxx

Minsk, Belarus (GMT+3)


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