Dear all,
We have an exciting agenda for our upcoming General WG (03-09) call to look forward to.
Please find additional details below, we look forward to connect & engage next week.
Calypso Network Association
Stéphane Didier, Calypso Expert at the Calypso Network Association will introduce CNA and present their Project Initiative:
See: Decentralized Transportation Ticketing Systems for member discussion, potential collaboration and joined Project work activities.
FZI Research Center for Information Technology
Markus Leucking, Researcher at FZI will present and share their research and insights on how to address existing privacy issues in fully decentralized and open WoT networks.
See: Towards a privacy preserving decentralized trust management for member discussion, potential collaboration and joined Project work activities.
Tangle Identity & Tangle Marketplace Project Update
The bi-weekly Project calls have been kick started, led by Jelle Millenaar and Jan Pauseback (Project Leads) together with team members (Committers).
The Project leads and team members look forward to share a Project status update and discuss ongoing and forward looking activities.
You can find the rolling meeting minutes including shared agenda here.
Note that the agenda is collectively owned by all of us, feel free to add any topic you would like to address and discuss.
Have a great week(end),
Kind regards,
Alex Westerhof
IOTA Foundation
M: +31 (0)6 3983 9664
The official communication method in Eclipse is via the Tangle EE mailing list.
As not everyone has subscribed to the mailing list yet, I’ve added you (80+ known WG contacts) in BCC.
Join us on Slack for hallway conversations and project collaboration discussions
Board of Directors: Dominik Schiener, David Sønstebø, Serguei Popov, Navin Ramachandran
ID/Foundation No.: 3416/1234/2 (Foundation Register of Berlin)