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Re: [swordfish-dev] ServiceMix 4 inside Swordfish


Then, there are other things we can reuse:
 * spring wiring of the NMR (which is used to actually create the
NMR, configure it and register it in the OSGi registry).  This would
bring dependencies on spring and spring dynamic modules.  But I think
we could also wire it using a hard coded activator or something else.
 * JMX layer for NMR endpoints (depends on spring a bit)
 * we can include the commands related to the NMR, but this means we
need part of the ServiceMix Kernel console
* we can also include the JBI layer which brings in a handful of other jars.

IMHO all of these make sense and would be good to have. Having a dependency on Spring is far from being a show-stopper since we plan to use pring extensively for the franework parts as wel.


Oliver Wolf
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