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Re: [sumo-user] Netconvert: From .net.xml to plain xml and back?

Dear Mirko,

thanks for the suggestion, on the first glance it seems it has worked. In case that I have some further questions or observations, I will be back ;-).



On Mon, 17 Jul 2023, at 3:31 PM, Mirko Barthauer wrote:
> It is not so obvious which options you have to set to make a "round 
> trip" between different supported format types. In your case, the 
> following will help to get more similar results to the original network:
> - do not use --type-files (edge type settings determine sidewalks)
> - eventually set --ignore-errors.edge-type true (is now activated by 
> default in the development version for reading plain XML without edge 
> types)
> - provide tl files with --tllogic-files
> Still there are a few small differences in geometry and a small 
> right-of-way issue (keepClear=0 is added to two connections), but I did 
> not miss any connections.
> Best regards
> Mirko
> -----Original-Nachricht-----
> Betreff: [sumo-user] Netconvert: From .net.xml to plain xml and back?
> Datum: 2023-07-14T13:01:19+0200
> Von: "sumo--- via sumo-user" <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> An: "Sumo project User discussions" <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Dear all,
> I am experiencing unexpected side effects when trying to export an 
> existing (OSM-imported) network into plain XML and re-create it from 
> there: Some connections between lanes seem to be lost and all highway 
> edges have additional pedestrian lanes despite explicitly setting 
> "--sidewalks.guess false" ... I guess that netconvert still has some 
> heuristics switched on when the plain XML is read, but |´have no idea 
> what to switch off.
> Converting to plain XML i do (Win32 batch)
> netconvert ^
>   -s ^
>   --plain-output-prefix letnany_flat ^
>   --error-log letnany_flat.err.log ^
>   --log letnany_flat.log ^
>   --aggregate-warnings 10000
> and for the reconstruction
> netconvert ^
>   --node-files=letnany_flat.nod.xml ^
>   --edge-files=letnany_flat.edg.xml ^
>   --connection-files=letnany_flat.con.xml ^
>   --type-files=letnany_flat.typ.xml ^
> ^
>   --error-log letnany_flatc.err.log ^
>   --log letnany_flatc.log ^
>   --aggregate-warnings 10000 ^
>   --offset.disable-normalization true ^
>   --no-internal-links false ^
>   --no-turnarounds true ^
>   --sidewalks.guess false ^
>   --bikelanes.guess false
> Any idea what I am doing wrong? Or is it a bug/feature of netconvert 
> that I am unaware of?
> Tried with SUMO 1.14.1 with some internal updates, and then also with 
> 1.18.0, the result is the same. An example small .net.xml attached.
> Thanks! 
> Jan

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