I'm try to make an ego vehicle loop over a route. For this I seem to need a rerouter.
My .sumocfg file looks like this:
<net-file value="my_world.net.xml"/>
<route-files value="my_world.rou.xml"/>
<begin value="0"/>
<end value="-1"/>
<step-length value="0.01"/>
The .rou.xml contains the ego vehicle:
<route id="r_1" edges="-41304#0 -41304#1 41299...-41304#0" />
<vehicle id="ego" type="Ego_Car" route="r_1" depart="0.00" departLane="free" color="blue"/>
<rerouter id="r_1_loop" edges="-41304#0" probability="1">
<interval begin="0" end="0">
<routeProbReroute id="r_1" probability="1"/>
***Starting server on port 50485 ***
Loading net-file from 'my_world.net.xml' ... done (323ms).
Loading additional-files from 'additional.xml' ...
Error: MSTriggeredRerouter r_1_loop: Route 'r_1' does not exist.
Loading of additional-files failed.
Quitting (on error).
- can I add additional files in the .sumocfg file as well?
- must I forget about the .rou.xml and put all the information in the .rou.xml in the additional file (to get the ordering correct)?
- can I load additional files in sumo-gui to check errors there without going through my own startup procedure? (I'm spawning sumo-gui from a C++ app with libtraci)