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[sumo-user] Activating GLOSA

Hi all,


I’m having an issue getting the GLOSA device to work. I’ve added the device to both types of vehicles I’m using in the “.rou” file:



        <vType id="typeWE" accel="0.8" decel="4.5" sigma="0.5" length="5" minGap="2.5" maxSpeed="16.67" \

guiShape="passenger" >

            <param key="has.glosa.device" value="true"/>


        <vType id="typeNS" accel="0.8" decel="4.5" sigma="0.5" length="7" minGap="3" maxSpeed="25" guiShape="bus">

            <param key="has.glosa.device" value="true"/>



And I’ve added “<param key="device.glosa.range" value="500"/>” to the tlLogic section of the “.net” file:


    <tlLogic id="0" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">

        <phase duration="31" state="GrGr"/>

        <phase duration="6" state="yryr"/>

        <phase duration="31" state="rGrG"/>

        <phase duration="6" state="ryry"/>

        <param key="device.glosa.range" value="500"/>



The sim runs but GLOSA doesn’t appear to be applied with vehicles taking just driving towards the light at full speed regardless of signal plans. Have I missed something else I need to do?


Thanks in advance,


William Paine


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