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Re: [sumo-user] Strange error of Omnet++/Veins/SUMO

Good news
By setting each C statement to comment, I get the reason of crash:
char *ret = strcat(cstr, new_str);
both cstr and new_str are two arrays of char.
The statement is available in line 76 of RSUControlApp as well as line 123 of VehicleControlApp. If I delete these lines, the simulation could run to the end.

However, I don't understand why Omnet++ crashes while only running instead of debugging.

On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 5:56 PM Thanhnt Nguyen <> wrote:
Dear all,
From now on, I know how to build my own project for simulating traffic.
However, I get stuck on a new small problem.
The purpose of my project is very simple: every car periodically sends  messages to RSU and other cars. RSU replies immediately, other cars don't respond.
All messages are in TraCIDemo11pMessage format
The problem is that: my project crashes very quickly and as usual, Omnet++ IDE reports only "Finished with Error"  - no sense at all. Ironically, as debugging, the simulation could finish without any error
I could not identify the bug and how to fix it.

My project is located here:
If you can't install my project, this video could help

Nguyen Tien Thanh
Department of Software Engineering
School of Information and Communication Technology (SoICT,
Hanoi University of Technology (HUT,
1 DaiCoViet Road, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +84-4-8682595/8683730 Fax +84-4-8692906
Mobile: +84987768886
E-mail: thanhnt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  

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