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Re: [sumo-user] GLOSA implementation

Hi Jakob,


I believe that I have managed to implement GLOSA, however you mentioned to benefit of coloring a vehicle based off of its acceleration?


How could this be achieved?


Many thanks,





From: Jakob Erdmann
Sent: 03 March 2022 09:35
To: Sumo project User discussions
Subject: Re: [sumo-user] GLOSA implementation


The easiest way to observe the behavior is to color the vehicle "by acceleration".

Note that GLOSA is not expected to have a strong effect on travel times (since traffic light timing is unaffected). The biggest (claimed) effects are reduced emissions and increased safety.

If you configure "exceeding the speed limit to catch a green light" you should see improvements in travel time in some scenarios (but this is not the advertised use of GLOSA and rather something human drives may do when supplied with information on the remaining green duration).





Am Do., 3. März 2022 um 09:53 Uhr schrieb Nathan Clark <261100nc@xxxxxxxxx>:

The simulation runs, but I am not noticing any changes both visually and with regards to the duration output of the cars


On Thu, 3 Mar 2022, 08:21 Jakob Erdmann, <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The device assignment looks fine (though you could simplify it by defining '<param key="has.glosa.device" value="true"/>') as a child element of the <vType>).

What kind of error / problems are you seeing?




Am Mi., 2. März 2022 um 21:11 Uhr schrieb Nathan Clark <261100nc@xxxxxxxxx>:

Hi Jakob,


Thank you for the quick response,


I have already seen that document and I believe that I am still not implementing it correctly,


I have inserted a basic script from my route file below, is it possible that you could point out the mistake that I am making?


Thank you very much for your help,






   <vType id="car"

            vClass="passenger" length="5" accel="3.5" decel="2.2"

            sigma="1.0" maxSpeed="10"/>





    <route id="route_0" edges="E1 E2 E3 E4 E5" />

    <!--<flow id="carflow" type="car" beg="0" end="0" number="5" from="e1" to="e8"/>-->


<vehicle id="0" type="car" route="route_0" depart="0">

 <param key="has.glosa.device" value="true"/>


<vehicle id="1" type="car" route="route_0" depart="2">

 <param key="has.glosa.device" value="true"/>


<vehicle id="2" type="car" route="route_0" depart="4">

 <param key="has.glosa.device" value="true"/>





On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 6:32 PM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


- in case you were not aware of this, SUMO already supports a glosa device that works without TraCI and can be enabled via options or xml inputs:

- SUMO does not model a communication layer. If you want to implement your own GLOSA functions, you can use TraCI to retrieve any possible information from vehicles and infrastructure and to update vehicle behavior accordingly. Any kind of impediment to communication (i.e. due to range or interference) must be code explicitly by the TraCI client (you)





Am Mi., 2. März 2022 um 17:08 Uhr schrieb Nathan <261100nc@xxxxxxxxx>:

Hello all,


I am wanting to implement a GLOSA device into my simulation, I have been trying to follow the SUMO documentation, however I am finding it difficult to add this into my simulation.


I believe that I will need to be using TRACI to enable the vehicles and the traffic lights to be able to communicate, is it possible that I can be directed as to how to enable this communication to happen?


Thank you in advance




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