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Re: [sumo-user] Questions regarding randomtTrips and routeSampler with edge relation data

> When i run the script i get several warnings that
> no route pass the edgeX (X stand for the id) but i still get routes on
> these edges. Does this mean that the routeSampler generate new trips if
> no trips pass a certain edge?

No. RouteSampler only uses routes from your input. Since you are loading turn-counts rather than edge counts, the warning "No routes passe edge ..." refers to a turn relation (a sequence of two edges).
You can still have routes that pass the first or the second part of that sequence though.

> When i start the Simulation with these generated routes i get
> several vehicles teleporting because of "wrong lane".

Sumo comes with a gui to help you understand why things happen. Find the vehicle mentioned in the first "teleport"-warning and look at it 300s before it teleports.
A likely cause is jamming. If things are still unclear after looking at the simulation, post a screenshot.


Am Fr., 11. Feb. 2022 um 18:41 Uhr schrieb Martin Högner <madin3@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear SUMO Team,

i have a SUMO network with entered edge relation data which i wanted to
use to generate Traffic and I'm not sure if i did the right steps.

Here the Steps:

     1. generate a route file with  like this:

     python -n /*path to net file*/ --period
0.1 --min-distance 50 --route-file /*output path to route
file*/vehroutes.xml --trip-attributes="departLane=\"best\"
departSpeed=\"max\" departPos=\"random\""

     2. generate trip file with the route file from step 1 and the edge
relation data like this:

     python -r /*path to route file*/vehroutes.xml 
--turn-files /*path to edge relation data*/edgeRelation7-8.xml -o
/*output path*/count.peak7-8.trips.xml

     When i run the script i get several warnings that
no route pass the edgeX (X stand for the id) but i still get routes on
these edges. Does this mean that the routeSampler generate new trips if
no trips pass a certain edge?

     When i start the Simulation with these generated routes i get
several vehicles teleporting because of "wrong lane". In your
documentation it says to avoid this i need to set "departLane="best",
which i obviously did.
     Furthermore the randomTrips should be checked by duarouter, since i
directly output the route files, if I'm not mistaken. What occur this

Best regards

Martin Högner

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