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[sumo-user] Regarding interchanges, steering planning for vehicles entering and leaving the shared lane

Hello everyone

I am currently having trouble restoring the traffic condition of the interchange. Because of this interchange, vehicles leaving from the expressway will share the same “EDGE A” with vehicles entering the expressway. But jtrrouter can only set the turn ratio of an EDGE. I want to find a way that the vehicle passing A from highway then go to the urban road; the vehicle passing A from urban road then go to the highway. Schematic as shown below.



 I tried to use to set

<edgeRelation from="HIGHWAY" to="URBANROAD" via="A"probability="1"/>

But I always find the following error, and I am not sure whether the above purpose can be achieved by using

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 820, in <module>


  File "", line 485, in main

    b = intervals[0][0]

IndexError: list index out of range


Therefore, I would like to ask everyone if there is a suitable way for me to refer to. If you can directly communicate with jtrrouter, it is my favorite.


Tony Kuo

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