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[sumo-user] vehicle scope data after calling moveToXY

Dear SUMO users,


I am trying to get vehicle scope data for objects that I move with moveToXY command via the C++ TraCIAPI. The used procedure is as following


1.       Determine new xy positioning for vehicle with name name

2.       Call moveToXY for traffic object with name name

3.       Perform SUMO simulation step

4.       Access the following variables from vehicleScope for the moved traffic object

a.       vehicle_scope.getLaneChangeState(name, 1) and vehicle_scope.getLaneChangeState(name, -1)

b.      vehicle_scope.getAcceleration(name)

c.       vehicle_scope.getLeader(name)

d.      vehicle_scope.getNextTLS(name)


However, the values seem to be not valid after calling moveToXY. Is it possible to access these values for moved traffic objects or would it be possible to provide this functionality in the next time?


Kind regards,

Benedikt Schott

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