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Re: [sumo-user] stoplines placed on the intersections

Dear Jacob,


I saw It was helpful, and I’m thankful for it. The thing is, that SUMO makes a lot of presumptions that are not always right presumptions. Such as: what is a common intersection? In the Netherlands we treat bicycle lanes as if it’s a normal lane that is accessible only for bicycles, not for pedestrians and (in most cases) not by cars. And thus, they have separate edges. In your cyclists are treated as pedestrians. They share the same crossing. In reality they have separate spaces and separate traffic lights.


As for now I made the bicycle crossings part of the controlled intersection again as you suggested. The stop lines are now almost on the right locations.



I still had to adjust the radius to get a near real view of the intersection. In reality there is not just one radius for all the connected edges, but there is a radius (or more a shape) for the separate connections. Maybe something to improve?


The biggest problem I see however is that, as you mentioned, shapes that are fully accurate according to the topology are overrided. I would gladly see that if one defines a shape, the shape will be maintained in the .net.xml. Maybe that could be an option?


My original question is solved though. Thank you again, Jacob!



Martin Barto
Senior Verkeerskundige


Vialis is een Koninklijke VolkerWessels onderneming.

Postbus 184, 3990 DD Houten |
tel. +31648510557 mob. +31648510557


Van: sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Namens Jakob Erdmann
Verzonden: woensdag 18 juli 2018 00:20
Aan: Sumo project User discussions <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Onderwerp: Re: [sumo-user] stoplines placed on the intersections


Your network still has a quite unusual topology because the bicycles and vehicles do not have a common intersection. This causes your bicycle intersections to have no radius because they aren't really intersections.

Your bicycles move on a seperate edge that goes across the vehicle intersection like a bridge. While it does look right (especially if the traffic lights are coordinated correctly it's not things are typically done in SUMO (once a vehicle is stopped on the intersection your bicycles would just ignore it.


On July 11th I sent you a that uses the 'proper' topology'. I suggest you compare your version with mine carefully to understand the differences in junction modelling.






2018-07-17 16:13 GMT+02:00 Barto, Martin <Martin.Barto@xxxxxxxxx>:

Thank you Jacob! This again was very helpfull.


Because I want to generate the .net.xml automatically without using Netedit, I searched for a solution to set the stoplines on the right position automatically. I found a solution by calculating and adjusting the radius at the junction. See the result below.


I’m still having trouble with the bicycle crossings though, because they have no radius. I think it’s because the incoming edges of the bicycle crossings are lengthen for some reason, is that correct? And what kind of reason could that be? Are the edges maybe too short? If there is another solution to tackle this problem I’ll be happy to know too.


In my opinion using the radius is still a form of symptom control. I hope there will come a better solution for this in time.




Best regards,

Martin Barto
Senior Verkeerskundige


Vialis is een Koninklijke VolkerWessels onderneming.

Postbus 184, 3990 DD Houten |
tel. +31648510557 mob. +31648510557


Van: sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Namens Jakob Erdmann
Verzonden: dinsdag 17 juli 2018 09:09

Aan: Sumo project User discussions <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Onderwerp: Re: [sumo-user] stoplines placed on the intersections


The junction shape is indeed strongly influenced by the start/endpoints of the edges.

By default these points are indentical with the junction center but you can set them anywhere you like.

In your example the vehicle edge coming from the right uses the default endpoint of the junction center.


The computation logic is this:

- compute junction shape based on edge shapes, the intersection of neighboring edges and the specified junction radius

- shorten or lengthen edges that reach beyond the junction shape or that do not reach it for some reasion

- compute lane shapes


Note, that a custom lane shape completey overrides the computed shape so you may still have invalid lane geometries depending on what you specify.





2018-07-17 8:29 GMT+02:00 Barto, Martin <Martin.Barto@xxxxxxxxx>:

Thank you for your answer Jakob,


So if I change the shape of the junction, I should get the stoplines at the right position? I have the start and end positions of the edges, so it should be possible to make a shape by connecting them


In my opinion the shape of the junction should be determined by the start and end points of the edges that are connected to the junction and not the other way around. Maybe you could think of another solution for the future?


Met vriendelijke groet,

Martin Barto
Senior Verkeerskundige


Vialis is een Koninklijke VolkerWessels onderneming.

Postbus 184, 3990 DD Houten |
tel. +31648510557 mob. +31648510557


Van: sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Namens Jakob Erdmann
Verzonden: dinsdag 17 juli 2018 00:55
Aan: Sumo project User discussions <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Onderwerp: Re: [sumo-user] stoplines placed on the intersections



The waiting position of the vehicles is mainly determined by the junction shape. While you defined the connection shapes to start to the left of the bicycle crossing,

the junction shape starts to the right of it and thus the vehicle edge is made longer to meet the junction shape.






2018-07-12 23:11 GMT+02:00 Barto, Martin <Martin.Barto@xxxxxxxxx>:

Dear SUMO-users,


Last time I messaged, I had some issues regarding pedestrian crossings en bicycle paths. Thanks to your advices I managed to get a near real visualization of the controlled intersection. However I still see some strange things.


The stoplines on the left approach are drawn to for to the right, behind the (controlled) pedestrian crossing and bike lanes. This is also shown on the bicycle paths, so the cyclists on the intersection instead of in front of it. Why is this happening? Do I have to configure an extra option on netconvert?


The SUMO native files and the .net.xml are enclosed here. I call netconvert with the following options:

netconvert --node-files=Output/KR27.nod.xml --edge-files=Output/KR27.edg.xml --connection-files=Output/KR27.con.xml --type-files=Output/all.typ.xml --tllogic-files=Output/KR27.tll.xml --no-turnarounds=true --junctions.corner-detail=5 --output-file=Output/



Best Regards,

Martin Barto
Senior Verkeerskundige


Vialis is een Koninklijke VolkerWessels onderneming.

Postbus 184, 3990 DD Houten |
tel. +31648510557 mob. +31648510557


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