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Re: [sumo-dev] adding parameters to road network

Dear Jacob, Thanks for the suggestion..

While our focus is more towards studying effect of the stated time varying parameters on vehicle movements, we would like to participate in development of Netedit update as suggested by you in Need to mention that while I have good understanding of C++, I do not have much experience in coding in large software system like SUMO. Hence, will need your suggestions and inputs for the same.

I was  looking at the files involved in implementing friction parameter in Netedit and discovered  about item files, dialogue files, step files, carrier and handler files. However, I need to know is there any systematic way of exploring the source code of SUMO in general and Netedit in particular?



On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 12:02 PM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You could certain modify edge and lane parameters via TraCI. To do so at specified times you would have to check in every simulation step against a predefined list of times and values.
I do think there would be value in using set the parameters via XML input. This way, environmental effects simulation could be carried out without TraCI which often is much faster and more user friendly. Since similar code was already written by the original authors of the friction extension (additional element <frictionCoefficient>, see it should be easy enough to do.

In the car following model you would have to write some extra code which checks the current lane on which the vehicle drives. This information is easily accessible because the vehicle object itself is passed as argument to the car-following functions. This way you can check which road conditions are present and tailor the driving behavior accordingly.


Am Do., 23. Jan. 2020 um 07:19 Uhr schrieb Manish Chaturvedi <msc.nit@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear Jacob,

Thanks for the insights and suggestions.

If I go by your suggestion, I would add and modify the time varying attributes of lane / edge as Generic Parameters using python interface of TraCI. I could locate the documentation of setParameter(self, objID, param, value) and getParameter(self, objID, param)  at Is it possible to call these functions from the script at a specific time in simulation?

Further, I would like the car-following model to access these parameters only when they are defined and adapt movement of vehicles traversing over the lane/edge accordingly. Will it be possible to have such behaviour?



It seems that for incorporating the stated parameters and car following models, I will have 

On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 2:23 PM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Manish,
After some internal discussion we would prefer to keep a distinction between 'core' road attributes and extended attributes.
Core attributes are configured directly within the edge or lane element e.e <edge id="1" speed="13.89" ../>
Extended attributes are configured as <param> elements within the edge or lane element.
Currently, the core attributes mostly pertain to "immutable" qualities of the network (e.g. posted speed limits or lane count).
The 'friction' attribute as well as 'visibility', and 'water clogging' mostly pertain to temporal aspects of the road network so we would delegate them to the extended mode of input specification.

The good news is, that no files need to be modified to add new attributes. The <param> values are directly accessible from within the simulation models (e.g. the car following model just as the core attributes are).
Also, netedit allows editing these attributes. For details, see
The only major change that needs to be done is to rework the variableFriction object into a variableParam object
(it should be capable of modifing arbitrary lane <params> at specified times. This would also fit well with modelling time-variations for all the other road quality paramters you mentioned.

Also, the way <params> for multiple elements are modified at the same time needs to be improved in netedit (you will probably figure out what I mean when you try to do this). I've described the task in more detail at

best regards,

Am Mi., 22. Jan. 2020 um 06:25 Uhr schrieb Manish Chaturvedi <msc.nit@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear Jacob,

Thanks for your reply

I have access to their source files, which implements Friction parameter by modifying  SUMO-0.32 version.

I am working on the latest version of SUMO i.e. 1.4  wherein the source code differ significantly from SUMO-0.32.  I  would be happy to contribute my version of code to SUMO under the open source licence. We are interested in incorporating the road quality, environmental effects (e.g. visibility, water clogging), side friction due to road side parking or shops,etc. into the SUMO road network.

I wanted to know whether there is any tutorial / wiki that explains the hierarchy of files involved in adding the parameters in network.
I wanted to know about how to modify the network implementation. What are the files involved and in which sequence they need to be edited for adding one or more parameters in road network?

Can you give some pointers to documentation about set of files (and in which sequence) to be edited the network implementation?



On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 12:44 AM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I suggest you contact the authors and ask them to provide their files.
I would be happy to integrate the friction extensions into sumo if they are willing to provide the code in accordance with our open source license.

Am Di., 21. Jan. 2020 um 12:44 Uhr schrieb Manish Chaturvedi <msc.nit@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear SUMO-Dev  Community,

I am starting to work on extending the SUMO road Network by adding a few parameters and using them in a car-following model.

I came across the work by Seeroad project
and their paper presented in SUMO User Conference 2019 titled "Introducing Road Surface Conditions into a Microscopic Traffic Simulation".
I could also find the documentation for editing the car following model.

However, I am unable to get any information about how to modify the network implementation. What are the files involved and in which sequence they need to be edited?

Can you give some pointers to documentation about set of files (and in which sequence) to be edited the network implementation?


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