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Re: [sumo-dev] Make vehicles recognise street signs

Hi Jakob, thanks for the guidelines that you suggested.

Well, it seems that a C++ extended device (such as this example) does not directly track static information such as POIs unless through utils/traci/TraCIAPI.h. Am I right? Is there any other workaround to track poiLanes using only C++ coding?

I will give it a try on the Python way by trying libsumo or traci (through subscriptions). 

Thanks a lot.


On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 at 16:34, Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think I understand your uses cases  better now and I can offer a suggestion for implementing this in SUMO.
There are three layers to this:
1) representation of signs / road side objects
2) modification of vehicle behavior
3) tracking of rule compliance

For 1) I think using POIs which are defined relative to a lane are the simplest solution (using attributes lane, pos, posLat). POIs already support the type attribute which can be set to an arbitrary string. Furthermore, POIs support assignment of additional user parameters (
If TraCI is used for 2) and 3), It would be helpful (and fairly simple) to add some traci function to retrieve POIs that are defined relative to a given lane.

For 2) The choice between implementing a device and using TraCI boils down to choosing between execution speed and implementation effort. By using libsumo ( the speed issue of TraCI can be mitigated.

For 3) This is similar to 2) When using a device It's probably simpler to track compliance within the same device that also affects behavior. Aggregation of compliance data could be done in post processing. Adding custom detectors that track compliance would require a thorough understanding of the simulation architecture


Am Di., 16. Okt. 2018 um 20:36 Uhr schrieb

Lauro de Lacerda Caetano

Sorry, a mistake in
3) Case of a brake check area sign, where vehicles must apply pull off behavior

Consider this:
3) Case of a brake check area sign, where vehicles must break.

Lauro de Lacerda Caetano
IEEE and VTS Member

On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 at 15:25, Lauro de Lacerda Caetano <laurodelacerda@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Jakob, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

I comprehend the aforementioned examples you have given about speed regulation.

In sum, I want to extend SUMO with an additional layer composed of street signs (probably in the form of pois) that would be detected by vehicles (using a device) that could choose to behave accordingly or not. For this to be possible, I should be able to change vehicle behavior at run time, especially adding constraints that will mostly impact mobility in terms of acceleration/deceleration, lane change, right-of-way rules, overtaking rules and other issues that may arise.

Take the four following cases as concrete examples of street signs:

1) Case of a car triangle left by some driver that would inevitably obstruct a lane. Vehicles approaching this car triangle could reduce speed and apply lane changes in a cooperative way.
2) Case of a two-way bridge, where overtaking is not allowed. A street sign could trigger this "rule" and constrain vehicle behavior in the bridge context.
3) Case of a brake check area sign, where vehicles must apply pull off behavior
4) Case of an intersection right of way, that could be dynamically changed according to some criteria (traffic flux controlled by a public agent, approaching emergency vehicle )

More importantly, every vehicle and public detectors (which would be extended devices) should be able to identify norm compliance (every vehicle would know when it is going against the rules or not).

Lauro de Lacerda Caetano
IEEE and VTS Member

On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 at 16:35, Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
your example is still quite abstract and all I can think of myself are signs that regulate speed (e.g. speed limit signs or stop signs).
Currently, obedience to speed limits is configurable for each vehicle type (attribute speedFactor) whereas obedience to stop signs cannot be configured (violating red lights can be enabled though).
Right now you can use TraCI to check whether a vehicle passes a speed sign (implicit from the fact that it passes between edges with different speed limits).
Using TraCI you can also apply any kind of behavior adaptation you like.
You can also use TraCI to figure out whether a vehicle is approaching a stop sign or a yield sign and modify its behavior in some way (again the signs are encoded in the network model already).
If you can come up with further concrete examples of signs, then  I can tell you whether they are already included in the models or how to model them.

Am Fr., 12. Okt. 2018 um 17:16 Uhr schrieb Lauro de Lacerda Caetano <laurodelacerda@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Jakob, thanks for replying.

The idea is to have a device that can identify traffic signs in run time and apply pre-defined behaviours upon the emergence of these signs. Also, this device could be used to check if a vehicle is complying with traffic norms on the fly and pass this information to others applications.

As an interactive reaction to some kind of street sign, take the two following cases:

1) A set of warning signs that advert drivers to change their driving style to a less aggressive behaviour.
2) A set of regulatory signs that obligates drivers to behave in a desired manner.

It would be interesting to set a rate of obedience to each vehicle type (vtype) in face of different kinds of street signs and check compliance with traffic norms (maybe using a device).

The extention of this features could possibly make the traffic simulation a little more realistic.

Is this kind of feature possible (maybe with an extension) with SUMO?


Em sex, 12 de out de 2018 03:28, Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> escreveu:
In SUMO the effect of street signs is already encoded in the network model (.net.xml) in the form of speed limits and right-of-way rules. For specialized signs such as variable-speed-signs, additional objects can be declared and loaded into the simulation at startup (
The whole purpose of the street-sign output was to serve as additional visualization for the end user.

If you give an example of the type of interactive reaction to street signs that you have in mind I may be able to give advice on how to model this in sumo.


Am Do., 11. Okt. 2018 um 23:41 Uhr schrieb Lauro de Lacerda Caetano <laurodelacerda@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hello, SUMO community.

I am currently creating traffic simulations with SUMO and I am interested in including street signs and extending a class (maybe a device) that could help me to identify these street signs and change vehicle behavior at run time. 

My question is: Is this possible with SUMO? Could vehicles react to some kind of street sign (a type of POI of these types, for instance) during the simulations?

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards,
Lauro de Lacerda Caetano
IEEE and VTS Member
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