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[sumo-dev] traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError using findIntermodalRoute

Dear All,

I have a python script to generate multimodal traffic that worked with SUMO 1.0.0.
This morning I recompiled sumo (from git) and now I have this error:

File "/home/drone/Applications/SUMO/sumo-git/sumo/tools/traci/", line 417, in
findIntermodalRoute answer = self._connection._checkResult(tc.CMD_GET_SIM_VARIABLE,
"/home/drone/Applications/SUMO/sumo-git/sumo/tools/traci/", line 156, in _checkResult
result = self._sendExact() File
"/home/drone/Applications/SUMO/sumo-git/sumo/tools/traci/", line 99, in _sendExact
raise FatalTraCIError("connection closed by SUMO") traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: connection
closed by SUMO

I'm calling it in a loop 
route = traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute(
	from_edge, to_edge, depart=departure, walkFactor=.9,
        modes=_modes, pType=_ptype, vType=_vtype)

It runs most of the times, but sometimes when I call it with modes="public", pType="", vType="" it crashes. Other calls with the same parameters but from different edges work perfectly fine.
Given that is not happening all the times, I'm not sure how to debug it.
It was working before, so I suppose some changes in the combination of parameters that can be used.
I would love to give you a small example, but as usual, I found these things while working with so the code is available, but the scenario id big, and I
don't know how to reproduce it in a smaller one, because I don't understand what is going on.

What can I do to understand what is going on?


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Campus SophiaTech

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