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[stem-dev] Proposed agenda for STEM community call on Thursday, July 7th

As always, you are invited to participate in the STEM call this month, scheduled for this Thursday at 9 am Pacific Time, 12 noon Eastern.


Please contact me at judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx if you want to join in, and I will send you dial-in instructions.  


The agenda appears below. If you join the call, you may raise any other topics you might want to discuss.



Proposed Agenda

STEM Community Call

July 7, 2016


1. STEM Milestone build 3.0.0M3 

*Up on June 29, 2016

2. Feature requests

*Jamie: Work with UC Davis on evolving disease model to address genome

*Nereyda: Progress with travel model


3. Updates

*Kun: Zika

*Jamie: Evolving disease model w/ UC Davis

Papers this summer

Potential funding sources and partnerships

*Jamie: Contact with Dirk Brockmann at RKI in Berlin           

*Werner: JUG Meeting in Berlin May 10, working group/demo camp events


4. Bugs
*Bug 465981: Kamesh’s problem with dengue model  

*Running headless: Fixed; documentation on wiki


5. Items from participants


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