The agenda for the STEM call this week appears below. As customary, the call will be at 9 am Pacific time, 12 noon Eastern. As always, we welcome participation from members of the entire STEM community.
Agenda for the STEM Community Call on Thursday, May 19, 2016
1. Date for STEM Milestone build 3.0.3
*Scheduled for June? (Stefan)
2. Feature requests
*Evolving disease model to address genome (Jamie)
*Progress with travel model (Nereyda)
3. Updates
*Zika (Kun)
*Work on evolving disease model w/ UC Davis microbiologists (Jamie)
*Papers? (Jamie)
*BfR interest? (Chris)
*Additional papers using STEM found on Google cited on STEM wiki (Judy)
*New mathematical modeler Dirk Baughman @ Institute in Berlin addressing disease transmission in humans
*Introduction? (Chris/Jamie)
*JUG Meeting in Berlin May 10, other working group/demo camp events in May and June (Werner)
*Two from BfR to attend JUG (Chris)
*US funding opportunity on food safety (Jamie/Kun)
*BfR interest?
4. Bugs
*Bug 465981: Kamesh’s problem with dengue model verified? (Kun)
*New bug: Running headless. Workaround successful when tested specifying display in FHS window or Philippine team to address? (Jamie)
*New bug #465981: Batch experiments failing when transformation decorator used (Jamie)
5. Items from participants