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Re: [stem-dev] This month's STEM community call

Good morning- I am in Ohio for a week as well- nothing to update, talk to you next month.  However thanks to Jamie for helping me through some personal bugs that I caused with multiple downloads of STEM.  Much appreciated, Nereyda 

On May 9, 2016, at 10:50 AM, Kun Hu <khu@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Judy,

I am at UCLA for a one week workshop. I will not attend the meeting this week. Thanks!

Best Regards,

Kun (Maggie) Hu, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Accelerate Discovery Lab
IBM Almaden Research Center
Phone: 1-408-927-1779
Email: khu@xxxxxxxxxx

<graycol.gif>"Judy Douglas" ---05/09/2016 07:15:51 AM---Please note: The STEM call for May will take place on Thursday, May 19th at 12 noon Eastern time, 9

From: "Judy Douglas" <judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <stem-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 05/09/2016 07:15 AM
Subject: [stem-dev] This month's STEM community call
Sent by: stem-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Please note: The STEM call for May will take place on Thursday, May 19th at 12 noon Eastern time, 9 am Pacific.

The tentative agenda appears below; I will send out a revised version on May 16th.

As usual, if you want to join the call, send me an email at judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx, and I will send you the call in instructions and code.

Tentative Agenda for the STEM Community Call on Thursday, May 19, 2016

1. Date for STEM Milestone build 3.0.3
*Scheduled for June? (Stefan)

2. Feature requests

*Evolving disease model to address genome (Jamie)
*Progress with travel model (Nereyda)

3. Updates
*Zika (Kun)
*Work on evolving disease model w/ UC Davis microbiologists (Jamie)
*Papers? (Jamie)
*BfR interest? (Chris)
*Additional papers using STEM found on Google cited on STEM wiki (Judy)
*New mathematical modeler Dirk Baughman @ Institute in Berlin addressing disease transmission in humans
*Introduction? (Chris/Jamie)
*JUG Meeting in Berlin May 10, other working group/demo camp events in May and June (Werner)
*Two from BfR to attend JUG (Chris)
*US funding opportunity on food safety (Jamie/Kun)
*BfR interest?

4. Bugs
*Bug 465981: Kamesh’s problem with dengue model verified? (Kun)

*New bug: Running headless. Workaround successful when tested specifying display in FHS window or Philippine team to address? (Jamie)
*New bug #465981: Batch experiments failing when transformation decorator used (Jamie)

5. Items from participants

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