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[stem-dev] Antw: Agenda for STEM Community Call on June 4th

Dear Judy,
dear all,

some additional suggestion on the agenda from my side:
- I tried to run our old Salmonella (from farm to fork) scenario, but
after 120 simulation days (afer all pigs were moved to the slaughter
houses) no new pigs were instanciated at the farms. I thought we had
implemented the model such, that new pigs are created at the farm after
the transport to the slaughter houses, but do not remember in detail.
Unfortunately the old STEM versions are not available for download
anymore (the links are broken), so I could not verify this. Maybe
someone else has one of the archived builds available and can test it
- At several occasions I was recently asked whether one could use STEM
to model transportation events and the spreading of diseases
incorporating these time-discrete transportation events. I think we had
done some initial work in this direction with the Pajek import function
in the past, but if I remember right the implementation needed
improvement if it should be used for "big transporation data". Such "big
data" are available for the pig or cattle transport events here in
Europe. So maybe we can discuss on this as well.
- After not using STEM for quite some time I now realized how hard it
is, to get going (in part of course due to the complex structure and
nature of models). So maybe we can also discuss a bit, how we can
further improve usability in the long term perspective.


>>> "Judy Douglas" <judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx> 27.05.15 21.51 Uhr >>>
Below is the agenda for the June call. Please contact me,
judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx, if you want call in instructions or have any


STEM Community Call, June 4, 2015



1. Merging Ebola Modeling calls into the STEM Community

*    Downturn in the epidemic 
*    Invitation to participants in the Ebola calls to join in the
STEM Community calls

*    Introductions 

*    Website revised at
*    Discussion: Should the time of the STEM call be changed to allow
participants outside the US to join in, as it was for the Ebola call?  


2. Release status updates

.         Version 2.0.4 scheduled for June 5 

o   Stefan on resolving Kamesh's bug: Problem modifying value of one
parameter, re-initializing scenario. Problem w/ STEM or unusual
Problem w/ logger when running STEM headless? 

.         Date for Milestone 1 for Version 3 set for October 21 to Matt
(returning August 3) to do required fixes

.         Progress with Luna (Eclipse 4.x) and Java 8 and build process

o   Bug occurs with the model builder; can change the nature of the

o   Current version of STEM uses Java 6, Eclipse 3; Eclipse 3 and Java 8
not compatible

3. Updates   

*    Almaden team's work on food safety 

*    Nereyda's review of Jamie's new wiki page
*    Kun's presentation with Kamesh
*    Kun on Stanford PI's Ebola data for Roslyn's student Ada
*    Nereyda's summer plans 


4. Feature request updates: DEFER ALL UNTIL MIGRATION TO JAVA 8 AND LUNA

[Restricting air travel for certain compartments; New plug in to measure
poverty; Plug in for roads in Africa; Batch to control sequencer; Log
automated experiments (?); Modify sequencer to get automatic experiments
run batch]


5. Java 8 compatibility/support and Eclipse 4.x (Luna): TOP PRIORITY  
item 1.       


6.  Bugs

.         Kamesh's bug (Item 1 above)

.         Any new bugs reported


7. Items from participants



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