STEM Community Call November 6, 2014
On Call: Jamie, Stefan, Kun, Nereyda, Judy
Next Call: Thursday, December 4, 2014
1. STEM 2.0.2 up
- Next release delayed to January 9, 2015 to allow for new plug in to measure poverty (paper on Ebola used measures of lighting in 3 towns as a measure of GDP)
- Integration builds will continue to appear every Friday
2. Feature Requests
- Restricting air travel for certain compartments
- Nereyda: Working on model; found air travel in wiki; at adviser’s request, is changing her proposal from smallpox to possibly pneumonic plague; feature request still stands
- Jamie: Could she consider working on ebola with the Almaden or Australia teams?
- Implement roads in Africa
- Jamie: Cancelling to focus on new plug in
- New plug in to measure poverty
3. Items from BfR: Deferred for update when Chris (BfR) is on the call
- Possible use of the standards-based Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) for predictive biological modeling
- Possible use of Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm Chris
4. Bugs
· Zero population region in Africa: FIXED, have 6
5. Items from participants
- Judy: Will use Jamie’s statement to respond to query re paper
- Stefan: Eclipse is deleting everything in old repository on SDN prior to move to GIT
- Jamie: Need to check?
- Stefan: Thinks Matt migrated the history
- Kun: In modeling ebola, no enough data, problem with accuracy of case reporting; trying to calibrate, using sensitivity; can we change the sequencer?
- Stefan: Could be a big feature
- Discussion defined three new feature requests listed below; Jamie to do the second; Stefan (?) the first and third
Three New Feature Requests to allow modeler to
- Have batch to control sequencer
- Log automated experiments
- Modify sequencer to get automatic experiment to run batch